Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pictures from the night in question. But first, a little history and Canon Law.

Holy Family Cathedral, circa 1950, Anchorage, Alaska.

Current configuration of Holy Family Cathedral, Anchorage, Alaska, before 1) the altar was moved back and replaced with conference tables and a jumbo-tron, 2) T.V. camera crews set up shop and 3) Our Lord was evicted from the tabernacle, so that we could hear what pro-abort Mayor Mark Begich had to say about the homeless (except, of course, those evicted by abortion from their first home in the womb). See infra.
Can. 1210 Only those things which serve the exercise or promotion of worship, piety, or religion are permitted in a sacred place; anything not consonant with the holiness of the place is forbidden. In an individual case, however, the ordinary can permit other uses which are not contrary to the holiness of the place.

The day after Easter, 2008: Close up of the live news jumbo-tron in front of the Archbishop's chair.

Our Lord removed from the tabernacle.

No bowing to the crucifix above, or to the altar shoved out of the way.

Conference tables displace the altar.

Sharing a joke or two.

More photo opps from the top of the stairs leading to the altar.

Vigil candle evicted along with Our Lord.


Pro-abort politician Mayor Marc Begich talking about the homeless in the sanctuary of a Catholic Church while Our Lord is evicted and no one says a word about the homeless aborted children evicted from their first home in their mother's womb.

Taking testimony from the witnesses, including one who complained about meeting in the church and the need for more separation of church and state.

A reading from the Gospel. Was that according to Mark?

Live interview at the foot of the steps to the altar.

The displaced altar and kneeler as a barricade to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Barricaded entrance to the empty Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Abomination in the Holy [Family Cathedral] Place

It’s spring and warm in Anchorage…time to do something about the homeless population that’s been freezing all winter. Not the homeless evicted by abortion from their first home in their mother’s womb, mind you.

So let’s have a meeting with the at-least-at-one-time Catholic, pro-abortion, democrat mayor of Anchorage (Marc Begich) who donated $25,000.00 to Planned Parenthood, and the other “church” leaders around town.

Where? Why in the sanctuary of Holy Family Cathedral, of course.

Now first we’ll have to move the altar out of its place of prominence, and instead set up two tables for the mayor and pastor Fr. Bramble, O.P. (and a for couple of parishoners while we’re at it). Let’s put up a giant screen where Archbishop Schwietz’ chair (cathedral) is so we can show a power point presentation and better yet pipe in live video feed from Channel 2 News while it reports on homelessness. (By the way, where was Archbishop Schwietz? Fr. Bramble said he would attend). Meanwhile the media can record interviews with the Mayor at the foot of the steps to the (displaced) altar.

And finally, one more thing. It is a rather secular event, after all, with lots of clapping and testimony and television, so we might as well remove the Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle. That’s right, the day after Easter, Almighty God is evicted from his home so that pro-abortion leaders in the community, including other “churches,” can discuss the pressing problem of homelessness… priceless.

The Easter Candle was pushed off to the side.

The vigil candle was removed altogether.

Now if you want to pray in reparation in the (barricaded) Blessed Sacrament Chapel next to the place where the altar is supposed to be, where one would expect to find the Blessed Sacrament but Who has been evicted, be prepared for the pastor Father Bramble to give a heated threat to arrest anyone who dares to pray too loudly while the rest of the assembly laughs, claps, sings, listens to the Gospel and testifies into microphones when not listening to Channel 2 News reports piped in live over the church speakers.

And speaking of testimony, there was that awkward moment when one of the testifiers said she was uncomfortable meeting in a church, and “Whatever happened to separation of Church and State, anyway?” Whatever happened indeed.

Poor Mayor Marc seemed a little confused too, when he chided “everyone in this room.” You mean Church?

And after it’s all over, the pro-abortion Mayor walks away with a great photo opportunity in a Catholic Church, lots of media coverage and the apparent endorsement of the Catholic Church.

Those with homes went back to their homes. The few homeless who attended walked away still homeless.

Rest assured, Our Lord, Who was born homeless, and Who had “no place to lay His Head,” was eventually allowed to return home. It is the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, after all.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Nihil autem opertum est quod non reveletur neque absconditum quod non sciatur

For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed: nor hidden that shall not be known.
For whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers shall be preached on the housetops. Luke 12:2-3